The Christian faith is meant to be communal. We grow to know and love God better by knowing and loving other people. Church life at St. Francis extends beyond the sanctuary and the classroom, to include special times of fellowship and fun. Gathering together to share stories, meals, and activities, we learn from each other and foster deep relationships that add meaning and color to our lives.
Parish Life at St. Francis – we have fun together! Throughout the year, we have many events where we can enjoy each other’s company: OctoberFest, Parish Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Advent Wreath & Christmas Cookie Making, Movie Nights, LobsterFest, Bingo, Square Dance, Game Night, Cooking Lessons, Book Clubs, Savvy Seniors Luncheons, Museum Field Trips, Potlucks, Brunches, Carnivals, and more.

There is a Place for You Here!
There is a place for you here at St. Francis. We have many groups that offer activities and programs for our church family.
Groups include:
- Outreach Committee – a group of parishioners who identify, organize, and direct service projects.
- Sunday School Teachers – help us spread the Word to our youngsters.
- Children’s Choir – children in 2nd – 12th grades are invited to join the St. Clare Boys and Girls Choir.
- Adult Choir – a group of highly trained men and women dedicated to singing to the Glory of God.
- Youth Group – students in 7th – 12th grade gather to pray and play together
- Bible Study Groups – groups that gather for guided Bible study.
- Men of St. Francis – The Men of St. Francis (MSF) is primarily a fellowship group open to all male members of Potomac Parish. We have three purposes as a group. First, we provide brotherhood bonding through dinners and social outings. Second, we support our parish through various activities and project. Third, we organize community service activities.
- Savvy Seniors – a large and active Savvy Seniors group provides great fellowship and meets monthly to enjoy luncheons, speakers on a broad range of topics, and engaging field trips that are open to all interested parishioners
- Altar Guild – a group of men and women dedicated to preparing the altar for worship before every service
- Petal Pushers – bringing altar flowers to those who couldn’t make it to services, or those who have a celebration or prayer request
- Flower Guild – a group of women who create stunning floral arrangements to adorn our altar each Sunday.
- Lay Ministers & Pastoral Care Providers – a group of parishioners trained to celebrate the Eucharist, visit, and provide support to those who can’t get to church.
- Ushers – a group of men and women who welcome parishioners and visitors to church on Sundays and help ‘direct traffic’ during services.
- Lay Readers – a group of men and women who do the readings and assist the rectors with communion during services.
- Acolytes – a group of students who serve as acolytes during our Sunday services.
- Book Club – a group of adults who read specified books and then participate in discussions about the book.
- Prayer Groups – groups of parishioners who gather to pray together.
- Theology on Tap – a gathering at a local pub to discuss religious topics and current events.