The St. Francis Family ministers to one another in times of personal hardship.

The strong personal relationships created through our active participation in worship, outreach, faith exploration or celebrations lead us to know when people are in need, and we respond with prayers, emotional support, meals, child care, or whatever is needed. Pastoral Visitors, some of whom are also Lay Eucharistic Ministers, assist clergy by visiting those in our parish who need pastoral support through an illness, loss of a loved one, or other pastoral needs. If you need support, simply reach out to your church family and to Father Mark, and we will mobilize the troops to help as best we can. Contact the parish office for more information.

Contact our Rector Our clergy are here to help you through difficult times, illnesses, times of doubt, or whatever challenges you face. We are also happy to share in your celebrations and achievements. To contact our rector, email [email protected].

Contact our Parish Administrator To have your request directed to the proper team or individual, please reach out to our parish office, email [email protected] or call 301-365-2055.

Prayer Requests

To request prayers, contact the parish office. Or you may list the name(s) on the back of the Communication Cards found in the pews. A member of our Pastoral Care Ministry will contact you to see how we can help. Please note that names remain on the prayer list for four weeks, unless a request is received to remain longer.

Home and Hospital Visits

Our clergy visit parishioners who are unable to get to church and who are in hospitals or other treatment facilities. They can bring communion, offer prayers and lead services for these parishioners. Please contact the parish office or the rector to request a home or hospital visit.

Pastoral Assistants

Pastoral Visitors are a group of specially trained men and women of this parish who provide pastoral care and support to parishioners and their families, some of whom are shut-ins and some who require long-term care and attention. When we face difficult life transitions, grief over the loss of a loved one, chronic illness or a crisis in the family, Pastoral Visitors are ready to help. Communion for the sick or home-bound (or pastoral visits to the hospital) are available. Periodic workshops and support groups are organized which focus on both temporary and ongoing needs of parishioners of all ages. To request a pastoral visit or to join this group, contact the parish office.

Petal Pushers

Petal Pushers is a ministry of parishioners who rearrange and deliver the altar flowers to people who are ill, home-bound, or celebrating a joyful event. This thoughtful sharing of flowers each Sunday brings the recipients something of the peace and blessings that are present at Sunday services. To join the Petal Pushers or suggest a visit to someone in need of flowers, contact the church office at [email protected].

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is an “emergency” help ministry that reaches out to the parishioners of St. Francis by providing meals, house-sitting for funerals, and providing transportation to the doctor and other important appointments. Helping Hands lovingly responds to those unexpected needs that occur in all our lives. If you know someone who needs a visit or would like to become a member, contact the parish office.

Eucharistic Ministers

A Eucharistic Minister is a Christian lay person who is certified by the Bishop to offer communion and lead the “Communion Under Special Circumstances” service in the Book of Common prayer. Eucharistic Ministers take the already consecrated Communion wafers from the reserved sacrament and give them to the person who is unable to get to church. They often help the person pray that God will hear our confession and forgive us, and often discuss faith and end of life matters. Eucharistic Ministers also offer words of support and encouragement as these people navigate difficult situations. Contact the parish office to request a visit or for more information.